Thursday, March 22, 2012

Who Will Survive In America?

To many youths this may only mean as much as a song title by the infamous Mr. West but in reality this is a question that affects African Americans across the country. Take for example the tragedy of Trayvon Martin. Just a young African American boy in a neighborhood he considered home. Murdered by someone who appointed themselves as a "Protector" from those considered a "Threat" to the neighborhood (even though all in Martin's hands was a bag of skittles and a soda). Too much like the tragedy of Emitt Till, a young African American male murdered by some considering themselves protecting the majority. And yet the man responsible for this heinous crime, George Zimmerman, has not been charged. Where is the justice for someone who will never have experiences natural to youth such as graduating from high school, enjoying college, or even having a family of his own?  Can we really survive in America when so many people find it necessary to take the law into their own hands without a second thought of who will be affected? Can we really survive in a society where there is more justice for dogs than African American males? Is there justice for us? Lets fix the problems here in our own home. Support the cause! 

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